Related: | outdoor gear exchange reviews |
Category: | Outdoor Sports Store |
Address: | 3500 S College Ave #140, Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA |
Phone: | +1 970-266-8440 |
Site: | |
Rating: | 4.1 |
Working: | 9AM–9PM 9AM–9PM 9AM–9PM 9AM–9PM 9AM–9PM 9AM–9PM 10AM–7PM |
Irene Brenner
While I love Sierras supply of hiking/outdoors clothing (really good prices), their return policy on shoes is very strict and not customer-service oriented. I wore a pair of running shoes on one run, found them to be uncomfortable after a mile, and Sierra wouldnt allow me to exchange them for a larger pair. I love Sierras prices but will purchase shoes from REI from hence forth because at least I know theres a return policy that permits for relevant usage. In my experience, its simply impossible to be 100% sure a pair of outdoors shoes will work when trying them on in the store or even around your house. I am sure Sierra knows this.
Carrie L
I was not happy with the quality of clothes I purchased. Within two weeks a pair of jeans and yoga pants started unraveling and wore out along the seams, rendering them unwearable. Normally, I get years of hard use before my clothes wear out to this point. They are clearly able to offer low prices by selling cheap products. For those not concerned about poor product quality I will add that they had friendly and helpful costumer service representatives and that the store was clean and well organized. For this I gave them 2 stars.
Natalia Barboza
I enjoy shopping at this store and the prices are great compared to other outdoor sport stores. I am even more impressed by the customer service. Our cashier double rang an item my husband purchased and we didnt notice until we received an email about a "possible double ring." I have never had a store notice a possible double ring and contact me about it but that is really cool I will continue to shop here. Also the staff are very cheerful and helpful (aside from accidental double ring haha).
Shakir Muhammad
Pros: Helpful and friendly workers. Great prices compared to the original tags or what youd pay at REI. Online they have even better deals. Delivery to your house or free in-store pickup. Cons: If you do sign up for their email list be prepared to get 3 emails a week for sale items, free delivery, and special purchases.
Thomas Hefferman
I was tricked into signing up for a credit card. I know it is my fault for not catching on but it is ridiculous that someone would ask you to sign up for a "rewards card" and tell you theres a discount if you do. I naturally thought it was a membership like one at REI. Its a big learning experience I guess
Karinia Rard
I shop through the online store often so I thought Id check it out. Although the first worker who approached me was actually helpful, I felt rushed and not welcome. Price is still cheaper online when you use coupon codes. Probably wont be going back except for the free ship to store option STP offers.
Leeso nneville
Have been in many times looking for certain items, today that was a headband for myself and a wool sweater for the wife. They dont have either. This is like the 5th time Ive walked around in here and not found anything I want, doubt Ill be back.
Mason Lang
I have been shopping at Sierra Trading Post for years and they have never failed to impress. The atmosphere at the Fort Collins location is cozy and the employees are more than happy to help. Overall, great deals and service!
Daniel Mazzella
First time Ive ever been to a Showers Trading Post was on Black Friday and despite the chaos the employees were extremely friendly and helpful. They have a great selection of cold weather clothing, shoes and camping gear.
Kendall Oaks
Good place to get you out door clothes and some gear. They definitely tailor their to clothes rather then actually gear. Which was a little disappointing. Good to know I have a good store get outdoor clothes at.
Ryan Hentges
The would not accept hiking boots back after I had worn them once. How are you supposed to know if theyre comfortable until you hike in them? Ill just shop at REI from now on. They actually accept returns.
Adam Welles
Pretty good prices, but sometimes the selection leaves a bit to be desired. Overall, a decent place to find decently priced outdoor gear. Usually nothing much available above low-mid level equipment.
Brian Silver
This store is one mile from my house. I usually find what I am looking for. It takes a while sometimes, but I have time. Ships free to the store and I drive by almost every night
Alex Rossmann
Best place to get "outdoor" clothes in Fort Collins. Way cheaper than rei, and if you follow them on Facebook and join their mailing list, the regularly run 30 and 40% off coupons.
Tammy Hiatt Monaco
"One of a kind finds" of Amazing clearance shoes, Great brand names for much less! Nice selection of mens styles as well. Helpful staff to get us 30% off of purchase! ;-) score!
Rebekah Wilson
Computers went down during grand opening. While standing in line for a bit, I was provided a bottle of water and a $5 gift certificate for my wait. Great customer service!!
Max Markowitz
Crapshoot if they have anything your size. Often times their used/returned gear is more expensive than buying it new in other locations. Good, Friendly service thought.
Emily Singh
Great prices on quality outdoor wear and outdoor gear. I shop here nearly every week because they are always getting in new merchandise, and some of it goes quickly.
Laura Wagner
Nice to have S.T.P in the Fort but store is like REI. I for one would like to see more outdoor gear as far as hardware but the store is space limited to be sure.
Stephen Gillespie
Sierra Trading Post rocks in-store and online. The best part? They arent snobby like a competitor across the street. Thanks Sierra for being regular people.
Dustin Johnson
I so want to like this place, but they seem rarely to have anything in my size. Also, the "marked down" prices dont seem that spectacular.
Discount cousin to TJ Maxx & Marshalls, it sells outdoors equipment at discount. Good place to find stuff for day hikes and light camping.
Cam C
Nice place, great prices. Most of the staff is young and not the most informative about products but they were very friendly and helpful.
Christy McElhaney
Best deals on outdoor clothing, gear and supplies in Northern Colorado! We dont buy hiking boots, gear or shoes anywhere else!!
Nate Jones
Great prices and good experiences with the staff. I probably end up here more often than I should, but I dont plan to stop.
kevin pinkham
Ever since TJ Maxx bought out this Cheyenne original store, the selection been far worse and the prices higher than before
Cienna Semsak
I love going here. They have big sales all the time and they are often pretty good. Lots of good brands as well.
Miguel Chavez
Went to pick up an online order, which I go a great bargain on. They had my item ready, and were very kind.
Ron Stern
Excellent selection, indifferent prices. Yuppie heaven but the closeouts and sale items are decently priced.
christine meek
1st time there and the staff was EXTREMELY helpful and friendly. Great experience and great prices!
Jesse Duplissey
Absolutely love this place! Great gear deals. The clearance section always has something for me.
Danny M
What kind of outdoors store with climbing stuff doesnt carry La Sportiva Solution!? Amateurs...
Aaron Bennett
wish they carried more at this location but prices are good and customer service is GREAT!
Bryce Powell
Selection was good, customer service was great and prices were low- what more can you ask?
Drew R
Kinda like REI but more sales. They have a lot of markdowns and clearance items online.
Ezekiel Gendill
Very good selection of clothing. Wished they had skis, and more extreme sports gear.
Austin Seward
Sierra trading post is great place to get nice cheep outdoor clothing and equipment!
Nicholas Anziano
This place is great. They always have lots of items and get stuff 2 times a week.