Related: | outdoor gear exchange reviews |
Category: | Camping Store |
Address: | 375 Cochituate Rd, Framingham, MA 01701, USA |
Phone: | +1 508-270-6325 |
Site: | |
Rating: | 4.4 |
Working: | 10AM–9PM 10AM–9PM 10AM–9PM 10AM–9PM 10AM–9PM 10AM–9PM 11AM–6PM |
Patrick Evans
I have been to REI probably about 100 times (I love outdoor gearl!). I have been to this particular one quite often and they have a cool Rock climbing wall free of charge if you are a member on Sat /Sun. Their return policy is outstanding as you can return used gear months after you bought it if you are not happy with it. They carry all the top brands and their folks are usually very knowledgeable as the guys and gals that work their are usually outdoorsy people themselves. My only criticism is since they are a no pressure sales place, they spend a lot of time with a customer if the customer wants it so other folks end up waiting sometimes. But better that someone trying to sell you something you dont need. I LOVE REI!
Benjamin Brandt
I recently got a membership at REI and purchased some climbing equipment. They gave me a 20 percent off coupon on one full priced item because of the temporary sale that they had. The coupon period had expired because I had been under the impression that the coupon was a gift for becoming a member, not something that went along with the current sale. When I went to purchase a new pair of boots, the associate behind the counter, Dan, and his on duty manager helped me out and overode the price of the boots and applied the 20 percent discount. This helped me out a lot because Im going on vacation this weekend and need to manage my expenses. I truly appreciate this commitment to excellent customer service! Thank you!
steve b
REI sets the bar high when it comes to selection of quality products and its customer service. They have a large selection of youth wear and gear which has been great for my young daughter. I have always received great service and attention whenever I had questions. They stand behind their products, so if you have any issues, simply bring it back for full refund, exchange or credit. Their bike and ski section is great and the selection of camping gear and clothing is exceptional. As a member I earn rewards which turns into REI credit each year. Their annual 20% off Spring sale is not to be missed when youre in the market for a significant purchase!
Bryan Holtzman
This REI seems to be full of stuff but never anything useful. I have been trying to shop (= going to the store and not finding a basic item that I needed) for years and for years I have been disappointed. Most recently, I was looking for a hard shell rain jacket and their selection of was pitiful (as was their size selection--who knew that medium and large were obscure sizes). Additionally, the staff always tries to push inferior REI products over other brands. I wish I could say I wouldnt be back, but theyre the only game in town.
Janet Hamilton
Disappointed in the service. Went in to do an even exchange for a $4.00 buckle repair item (I had bought the 3/4 inch buckle and needed the 1 inch size). I did not get a receipt when I made the purchase the prior day and so they refused the exchange. I can understand if I was trying to do a return, but the item had not been removed from the package and it was an even exchange. I really neede to fix my pack so was forced to purchase the 1" buckle and keep the useless 3/4" buckle.
A Private User
Whoah. I asked the salesman if they had rope, because I will be hanging a hammock chair, and I mentioned that ideally there would be someone there who could recommend a knot to use. Without even saying whether they had rope, he launched into a chip-on-the-shoulder monologue about liability issues with knot- tying instruction. I broke in to say, "OK. Do you have rope?", trying to change the focus a bit, but he kept going. I wont be going to this REI.
J Holmes
Staff was very helpful in fitting and giving me information about hike packs. Wide variety of gear to choose from. Was looking for cargo pants and the material was nice, but the cargo pockets were all very shallow and didnt seem to have good securing flaps. I usually prefer to carry a fair amount of items within arms reach in my cargo pants. All in all a good store though!
f.x. Cassell
Really excellent service in the shoe department. I went in looking to buy some shoes for a 100+mile walking trip I was about to embark on, and the salesman easily spent 20-30 minutes working with me to make sure I was buying the right shoe, even though he was also juggling two other customers as well.
Ilya Elis
Decent prices for ski tuning (with membership card that they gave me for free). After or before season can find good discounts on some ski gear. Bought 2 helmets from them 50% off. They also have 1 year return policy (used to be lifetime I think). With discounts prices are good on clothe too
vignesh radhakrishnan
I got a new pair of climbing shoes here today. The associates where more than happy to help me try them on the wall. The store has all the climbing gear for an outdoor outing and the associates are local climbers who had some stories to share. Overall pressure free shopping experience
Michael Gottesman
I recently had another great experience with REI. Some shoes that I purchased were falling apart after a little over a year of light use. They were willing to stand behind their product and replace them. I am glad to pay a little more for that type of great customer service.
Suzanne Beatty
We went to REI in Framingham to get advice on buying a first bike for our grandson. The sales rep was outstanding : he was helpful, pleasant and knowledgable. His name is Tim and if you are looking to buy a bike, his the person to help and advise you.
Dima Tokar
Good selection of quality products. REI has a great return policy and friendly customer service. Prices are generally higher than waiting for an Amazon sale on the same product though, so I typically wait if I can.
Alana Lipkin
THE first place to check your outdoor/ sporting goods. Buy a membership--you recoup the cost after spending $200, and it allows you to use the climbing wall. You get get bargains at the quarterly garage sales.
Kate Robinson
REI stands behind its brand, has great benefits for members, and many options for price ranges. Best selection of camping and backpacking equipment. Knowledgeable and helpful staff.
James Pappas
Its great if youre active. If youre trying to be active and are a little big, they have nothing over 2X to fit you. And active wear 2X fits like L/XL.
Meléna Streitman
Beautiful store, big selection, good prices on clearance and sale items, great quality, and incredibly knowledgeable and helpful staff!
Egin Tollkuci
Great store and good location. Prices are what they are hence the 4 stars. As far as stores and customer service though, its great.
Jon Lam
Usually have items in looking for in stock but the friendly staff will always help you locate it if they dont.
Rishi Advani
Incredible service. Employees will devote all their time to making sure you find what you need.
Gautham Ponnu
A good collection. Lot of helpful staff. Way better than the annoying ones inside the city
Julia Zhogina
If you need help with your Garmin device - Chris Post at the store is very knowledgable!
Great gear, knowledgeable staff, wonderful experience for me and my outdoor activities.
A Private User
Accused of stealing – when I went to do a return, because I did not have a receipt.
Matt Goldstein
Searched far and wide for a map of Baxter state park, of course REI had it.