Category: | Nissan Dealer |
Address: | 1550 Gallatin Pike N, Madison, TN 37115, USA |
Phone: | +1 888-869-9065 |
Site: | |
Rating: | 4.1 |
Working: | 8:30AM–9PM 8:30AM–9PM 8:30AM–9PM 8:30AM–9PM 8:30AM–9PM 8:30AM–9PM 12–7PM |
Carlos Pando Jr.
Love the Nissan brand, love my new Nissan Titan XD, The dealer not so much. We all know the crap that customers need to go though to get a new car. We want the car, we like the brand, but we dont like the person or the dealer that is selling us the automobile. Thank God for the internet and mobile apps, that help consumers to know the real price and the history of what that dealer sold the automobile in the past. The sales person in hays Nissan will say anything and use used car sales tactics to get the payments and finance charges that is good for them not you. See they will tell you, that this is the best deal that they can do and they dont get any credits or kick backs through the finance companies. Let me just say thats a BIG LIE. We consumers just want a solid price on an automobile. Nobody likes to get ripped off or lied too. Or how about the famous pitch you hear from every sales person "Wow this is such a good deal, I never seen my manger do this before we are losing money on this deal." Yea right, now give me some water so can swallow that line of crap you just fend me. How about this one. "If you get any accessories I will sell it to you at my cost." Okay sound good right. So we said we would like to upgrade to the Nissan Titan Weather Proof Floor Matts, and they say no problem I can give you 10% off MSRP. 10% is your cost? Really! Again LIES LIES LIES. There is a lot more that happened but I dont want to write a book today. So all this stuff happens to a consumer and Nissan HQ sends me an email to rate my experience. So I fill out the survey and give them an 1 star and thats being generous. So to make matters even worst I had a miss call on my wifes phone from hays Nissan after I filled out the survey with no voice mail. You would think from an organization dealer that big from Nissan you would leave a voice mail, but no such luck. So I call back the number and said. " hello its Mr. ____ and I missed a call from your dealer." Thinking its my tags ready to get picked up. But no, they had NO CLUE who called me. So I tried again in the late evening making sure that my tags were not there. Again NO CLUE, after telling the receptionist " Look someone called me, I think my tags are ready." she then place me on a brief hold. Guess who called my wifes phone and did not leave a message. The GM of Hays Nissan Ted Williams. Now you would think being the GM and all, you should leave a Voice Mail, but that was not the case. Anyways, he was upset about the review that I bombed them, and their defense was. Why would i do that, that is our best sales person. Well I would hate so see your worsted sales person then. To make a long story short I told him everything. The Bottom line is this. Use the Internet and educate yourself before you buy. Know the pricing, know your credit score and then try get pre-approved before you go see a dealer. Hope this was helpful.
Merk Williamson
I want to thank this dealership for making the purchase of a new vehicle for my son a living hell. This process started on Saturday and finally we had to wipe our hands of the situation on Monday due to the rude associates. A thief is someone you dont know is taking your belonging. (Bait and Switch) This would be the salesman that could not give us a clear answer on any of the numbers. Everything is between this and that. He never knew the facts, always had to go and check with his manager. Learn your craft son, learn your craft. A robber is someone who comes right up to you and asks you for all your money. This would be the sales manager. He approached me and my son outside and asked what seems to be the problem? There was no humbleness in this man what so ever. He asks if we had a problem with the down payment amount (Pocket money) that was never discussed with the thief. The robber then told me and my son that we didn’t have to do business with them. Wow, that is encouraging. What management book did that come from? Customer is always right!!!!!! Oh yeah, let me tell you about the shark. White-haired gentleman that lurks over every potential deal. I don’t know how he is able to lurk so much, every 10 minutes he is on a smoke break right at entrance of this establishment. Nobody wants to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke all the time. The shark saw my son walking up to the door from the outside of the building and he was standing right there at the door on the inside. What do you think he did? Yes, he walked away from the door and did not open and say "Hello welcome to such and such, how may we help you today." No, instead, he put his hands in his pocket and walked away from the door. Thanks. Customer service at its worst. Oh yeah, another interesting experience I had with these rude associates. Do you know what May 7th is....? It is National Naked Gardening Day. How did I know that? It was a conversation that was going on with the popcorn lady and the associate in the first cubicle that leaves his computer logged into Facebook. Popcorn lady said she will have to do some work outside that day and the associate said he will make sure he come over that day. Really, I did not need to hear all that. Keep It Professional, Keep It Professional!!!!!!!!!! This blog will surely get erased but I have saved it and I will continue to post it periodically because the people have a right to know just what kind of people work at this establishment.
Nicole Calvo
Extremely disappointed with nissan in rivergate, tn. I found my car. It was a 2015 nissan sentra on Monday. It needed some work so I waited and kept in touch with the manager and the salesman all week. It ended up taking longer than expected, but I was patient and stayed in communication with them. They did a hard pull on my credit and I was approved for the car with a $4,000 down payment ready. My husbands grandfather and uncle both passed away unexpectedly and we drove to Alabama for the funerals. I tried to see if the car was ready on Friday(it was supposed to be done by Friday) before we left, but they told me it wouldnt be. Well, Saturday morning, Glenn, the salesman actually texted me and told me it wouldnt be ready until late Sunday or Monday at the earliest. A few hours later, he texted me and told me it was finished early and that it was placed on the lot and people were looking at it. I called and told him I was upset and to please hold the car, as I was in Alabama and heading to the funeral service and that I would be back on Sunday morning, asap. I later texted him and asked if they would just hold it until the next morning and I would be there. I already had the money. Been approved, and only hadnt signed paperwork because they never asked me to and I wanted to see the finished product, since they were having to paint it, etc. Who wouldnt? Glenn neve responded to my text until I tried calling, he didnt answer, then proceeded to send me a text saying he was busy with a customer and they had already sold the 2015 nissan earlier that day, when he had originally texted me telling me it was ready. I understand not usually holding cars for people, but this was ethically wrong and it made it clear that everyone there is more focused on selling cars as fast as possible and making money instead of actually caring about their customers and wanting life long clients. Nissan has forever lost my businessand many other peoples. I will be taking my $4,000 down payment elsewhere. I had other friends and family planning to buy cars in the near future and I will be steering them away from this place.